Thursday, June 9, 2016

Irkut Roll out MC-21! |

On 8 June 2016, Irkut Corporation (a member of UAC) completed  the  official ceremony of rollout of the newest Russian MC-21 passenger aircraft. For the first time ever, the MC-21-300 airliner made a public appearance at Irkutsk Aviation Plant. This aircraft  is designated for flight tests, as scheduled.
The official ceremony was attended by Mr Dmitry Medvedev, the Prime Minister of the Russian Federation, representatives of federal and regional authorities, heads of cooperating enterprises, delegations of current and prospective MC-21 customers.
The unique assembly line, where MC-21 aircraft are currently built for flight and strength tests, was demonstrated to the Prime Minister of the Russian Federation before the rollout ceremony. Mr Dmitry Medvedev also observed the cockpit of the first MC-21 airliner equipped with the standard avionics set.
Mr Oleg Demchenko, the President of Irkut Corporation, launched the official MC-21 rollout ceremony. He stated: “We managed to get together the team of like-minded colleagues. All program members are the leaders of domestic and world aviation industries. We work together and we believe in MC-21 aircraft being the best in its class.”
Mr Yury Slyusar, the President of United Aircraft Corporation (UAC), emphasized that creation of MC-21 aircraft was the result of tremendous collaborative endeavour; it’s the first program, where the leading UAC enterprises (including Aviastar-SP and newly established AeroCompozit and UAC-Aggregation Center) operated under the unified plan.
Mr Dmitry Medvedev  claimed in his address: “The creation of MC-21 aircraft is the tremendous victory of aviation industry, the victory of Irkut Corporation, our scientists, designers, our engineers, and workers.”
Mr Prime Minister of the Russian Federation also emphasized that Russia is able to create the products which both propel domestic aviation industry and compete with foreign aircraft. At the same time, Mr Dmitry Medvedev stressed the importance of international cooperation in the project, while greeting foreign businessmen “who work in Russia, who are here in this hall, and who achieve impressive success together with us.”
Mr Dmitry Medvedev ended his address with the compliment to all those who participated in design and manufacturing of MC-21 aircraft: “You’ve done the great job for our country, I would better say – just outstanding job!”.
Russia Today released a video of the MC-21 being rolled out for the first time:

NEWS Irkut Roll out MC-21! |

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