Monday, August 22, 2016

Myrtle Beach becomes the second Airport in the country that opens space for children with autism

A South Carolina airport is about to become the second in the country to help families with autistic children by offering a quiet space to decompress after a flight.

The Sun-News of Myrtle Beach reports ( ) that the new room opens inside the Myrtle Beach International Airport on Tuesday.

The room in the airport’s baggage-claim area features pillowed and cushioned cubicles and seats marked with the words “Quiet Room” on its glass paneled door.

Becky Large of the Champion Autism Network says the room provides a safe environment for autistic children and a caregiver to relax while others collect checked baggage.

Autism is a range of developmental brain disorders expressed by communication difficulties, social and behavioral problems, or repetitive behaviors. About one in 70 American children have autism.

The Washington Times

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