Friday, July 22, 2016

Malaysia Airlines missing Flight 370 Wing flap was found in Tanzania

Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 Wing Debris Reportedly Discovered in Tanzania
 Photo via Controladores Aéreos on Twitter
The Australian government has released photos of a large section of a plane’s wing discovered near Tanzania and believed to be from the missing Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370.
According to, the Australian Transport Safety Bureau (ATSB) is reporting the wing flap was found on Pemba Island near Tanzania in late June, and it was transported to Australia for examination.
“Malaysia and Australia have worked with Tanzanian officials to assume responsibility for the item, believed to be an outboard wing flap,” ATSB officials said in a statement. “The Australian Transport Safety Bureau is working with Malaysian investigators to ascertain whether it is from a Malaysia Airlines Boeing 777.”
Several pieces of debris have been discovered since Flight MH370 disappeared in March 2014, including a remnant of a wing that was found on La Reunion Island in July 2015. The debris was confirmed to be from the missing plane by French investigators.


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